Respond, don’t give up ~

I envy the younger generation and their penchant to play video games. While it’s mostly guys that do this, girls also enjoy video games. Lots of different kinds of video games, although most of them tend to be about defeating the others in combat or fighting.
In these video games you battle your way through a whole host of opponents and you lose over and over and over. And in the video game while you may get upset and press really hard on the controller buttons or twist your thumb into shapes it was never meant to be in trying to defeat the digital enemy you tend not to give up. Even if you get so frustrated that losing again that you throw the controller on the floor you still pick it up and play again. You respond and you start back at a place close to where you let off and you try something different.
This is a skill that can be applied to real life! When you go for a job interview and you don’t get the job you don’t just give up – respond and go for another job interview. When you try something new or float an idea and people don’t like it you don’t just stop and crawl into a hole and disappear. Respond, don’t give up!
It goes along the lines of try and try again. Learn through failure, although nobody really enjoys doing that except scientists. And I don’t think they enjoyed it very much, either.
But don’t give up! One of the ways to be home unstoppable is to learn to respond no matter what the game is. Game on!

Be prepared

One of the things that I enjoyed during the coronavirus panics time that I spent at home is getting a garden going on my deck. I’ve done that for a couple of years now but this year I have tomato plants, some peppers, and a few more flowers. I also bought a couple of blueberry bushes and a couple of grapevines just to see if I could make them grow.
I keep them on the deck which means I have to water them daily. I’ve collected bottles as we’ve emptied them out and I now have a collection of five or six big 2 L bottles that I used to water them with.
I keep the bottles filled with water so that when I go out morning or in the early afternoon to water the plants I can just start watering them. It’s been so nice because last year and the year before I always had to grab the bottle or some picture, fill it with water, then go out and water plants.
But with the ability to adjust decide it’s time to water and then go out and start doing I feel like my productivity is out. It’s much more satisfying when I go to water the plants. And it’s a lot more fun because I don’t have to think about steps to get started, I just go and get started. Yes, I still have to fill the water bottles when I empty them. But it’s much more satisfying to have already watered plants than having to stop and figure out which ones to fill out and all that.
So the Scouting motto “be prepared” applies here. I am prepared to water the plants and because I am prepared I can just start doing it.
In so many other areas of our lives it would be better if we were prepared so that when it was time to do it or we decided to do it we could just pick it up and no. Instead of having to go through a checklist of all the things that you gotta gather up and get together and then possibly use and may not need and all that. All the decisions get in the way of actually accomplishing what we set out to accomplish.
So do your best to be prepared. You’ll come out ahead because of it!

I want to help you

The main reason I started this site and these courses is because I want to serve and help people. I want to help people stay organized or get organized. I want to help them develop skills that will make them literally unstoppable in achieving success success.
How can I do that? It’s a question that I’ve worked through several times over the years. I am the father of four adult children. As they grew up I tried to teach them things that would help them succeed as adults. I told them that my main goal for them was that they grow up to be fine upstanding members of the community and that they be wildly successful at whatever they set their mind to do. And that’s what they’re doing! My oldest son is working for a company and managing payroll for a lot of people. My daughter is married and working with her husband at a church to share the good news of Jesus. My younger sons are adults still in school and learning to practice the things that I and my wife taught them.
And I want to share some of those things with others now. I want to share those things with you. The main way I want to do that is through email. What I’ve learned over the years is a email is very personal. And despite all the spam and junk I still think that email can let me reach you in a way that few other mediums can. Social media is a close second, but it’s still not quite as personal as email. At least if you use email the way I do!
Along the way I hope to offer quick videos and short courses on how to apply some of the things that I want to share. If you’re interested please do sign up for the email list. I try to be very open and honest and will not share your email address with anyone except the service that I use to manage it. And I selected them because they don’t share with anybody else.
My focus is teenage and college-age guys, although girls can benefit from this also. But the skills are necessary at all ages, more so for adults but also applicable to middle school as well as high school. I hope you find what I share here useful.