I love reading the Bible, and I love reading a chapter of Proverbs every day. I either read or listen to the chapter that is today’s chapter of Proverbs. Every day. It’s a habit that I decided to develop and it has served me well.
In Proverbs chapter 30 verse 12 it says don’t imagine yourself to be quite presentable when you haven’t had a bath in weeks.
One of the unstoppable skills that I encourage is to bathe regularly. This seems silly in today’s day and age, but some people drift into the habit of not bathing every day or on a regular basis. They wait until they exerted themselves or worked out or something. Or they wait until they are told to. Or they wait until it’s convenient to bathe.
Older people tend to drift into this just because there’s not a whole lot going on and they don’t have this terrible need to be presentable.
But to be unstoppable it helps to bathe every day at a regular time, preferably in the morning but in the evening works also. And to brush her hair and teeth and make yourself ready to interact with other people.
Why? Because you never know when that opportunity is going to show up. A video call with someone offering you a gig that can turn into the well-paying job. A chance meeting at the coffee shop where in the past you may have been in sweats and toboggan hat but now you bathe and look presentable and ready for business. For me to cute person that you want to get involved with in the instead of having the Hyatt and hope they don’t notice how dirty and smelly you are the smile and introduce yourself and make an approach.
So do what Solomon told you to do in Proverbs chapter 30 and the take a bath so you’re presentable!